Sparking a Movement to Energize America:

10 Minutes at a Time

"Instant Recess is a call to all of us to get up and move. I’m betting that [[It]] can convince anyone that moving more is not only good for health, but easy and lots of fun to do.”

- Marion Nestle, PhD, Food Politics

A woman of vision, Dr. Antronette (Toni) Yancey pioneered the concept of incorporating exercise into small bursts
of activity that could be done by anyone, at anytime.
She used her national platform to transform home and workplace environments, schools, churches, and sports arenas as she spoke of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle.
On April 23, 2013, Dr. Yancey passed away after
a heroic fight against non-smokers lung cancer.

Today, Dr. Yancey’s legacy is carried forward through
the continuation of her lifelong passion, Instant Recess®.

Instant Recess continues to thrive
as a consulting firm and is dedicated to:

  1. The continued development of innovative, culturally relevant physical activity promotion products; 

  2. The broad implementation and dissemination of
    Instant Recess® into diverse settings globally;

  3. The customization of the Instant Recess®
    evidence-based model for applicability to new
    and nontraditional settings;

  4. Speaking on the importance of “re-engineering” physical activity where we work, play, learn, and worship!

  What’s Good for the Waistline is Good for the Bottom Line.
                    TEDx Manhattan Beach, October, 13, 2012.

Bringing joy & burning calories 
wherever people gather!


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