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Instant Recess

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”Just Kind Of Goes Into Shutdown”

by Patti Neighmond

Dr. Toni Yancey, a professor in the health services department and co-director of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Equity at the University of California, Los Angeles, has worked for years on developing programs to motivate people to get up and move. "We just aren't really structured to be sitting for such long periods of time, and when we do that, our body just kind of goes into shutdown," Yancey says. She recommends routine breaks during a full day of sitting. Her book, Instant Recess: Building a Fit Nation 10 Minutes at a Time, offers readers a guide to integrating such activity into the corporate boardroom, school classroom and even at sporting event. more ...


On Thursday October 31st,
Dr. Antronette (Toni) Yancey was
honored by First Lady Michelle Obama's Partnership for a Healthier America
n Washington D.C. Accepting the
award on Dr. Yancey's behalf was
her life partner Darlene Edgley.
Click here to stream the video of the dedication. 

At A Glance

Dr. Yancey Honored