The Poet / a.k.a. Doc2Folk
The aunt she was named for was an educator…and a poet. A voracious appetite for reading and a need to express herself led her down a similar path as she is now a professor and a poet.
Her 1997 book of poetry and art was a collaboration with artist Todd Berrien called An Old Soul with a Young Spirit: Poetry in the era of desegregation recovery and sold out of its first printing. Her spoken word CD Renaissance Woman/Race Woman, a collaboration with musicians Ciro Hurtado and Kim Jordan, was released in 2001. Both are available on Amazon.
While pursuing her professional career, she always welcomed the opportunity to combine her poetry with her work. This is evident in the professional journals that have featured her poetry. You’ll find that she’s combined these aspects of her life rather deftly in her second book, Instant Recess: How to Build a Fit Nation - 10 minutes at a time (University of California Press, Berkeley, CA). In 2013, she released a second edition of An Old Soul with a Young Spirit: Poetry in the era of desegregation recovery that added new poems and artwork to the previous edition.
...Fill my odd hours
with all that’s true
Pleasure and labor –
the whole day through.
Thus may my day be pure and Bright;
Teach me to know the wrong from right
And when shadows fall,
I want to Say
That I have lived
a perfect day.
Antronette Hall
College Freshman (1934)
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